2018/3/15: Release historical data of Beijing between 2017/1/31 and 2018/1/31. You can start exploring and constructing your forecasting framework using this dataset.
2018/3/31: Release historical data of the second city. The generalization of your forecasting framework will be challenged on both cities in this competition.
2018/4/1 – 2018/4/30: Phase I: Practice Only. This is the public testing stage. The scores you get in this stage will not be counted in the final ranking. This is the time period that you explore the modeling framework, and develop and stabilize your data downloading, model retraining, forecasting, and submission process programmatically.
2018/5/1 0:00 a.m. (UTC) – 2018/5/31 23:59 p.m. (UTC): Phase II: Live Testing and Final Stage. The results of this phase will decide the final leaderboard of this year's KDD Cup.
2018/5/7 23:59 (UTC): Team merger deadline: you cannot create or change team after the team merger deadline.
The amount of all prizes is $36,500.
Gold Medal (1st Place): $10,000
Silver Medal (2nd Place): $5,000
Bronze Medal (3rd Place): $3,000
Honorable Prizes (4th – 10th Place): $500, each team.
Specialized Prize for the last 10 days
The prize is calculated by the scores of the submissions in the last 10 days (May 22 to May 31).
1st Place: $5,000
2nd Place: $3,000
3rd Place: $2,000
Specialized Prize for the second-day prediction:
The prize is calculated by the scores of the 25th to 48th hours in the best submission each day.
1st Place: $2,500
2nd Place: $1,500
3rd Place: $1,000
More prizes, such as travel fund, certificate, or additional cash prize remain to be announced.
KDD CUP of Fresh Air
6698 participants
Final Submissions