1-1 All contestants must register ONE and only ONE account on biendata, and violator of this rule will be banned from any competition on the platform.
1-2 Each contestant can only join one team. Joining more than one team by registering multiple accounts will lead to entire relevant teams disqualified.
1-3 All contestants must fill in their real names during the registration or participation process, or the team will be disqulified for any prize.
1-4 During the competition, contestants can only disclose models or codes through the competition’s Discussion Forum or the Model function. Sharing code or predictions privately or on other platform will lead to disqulification of any prize.
2-1 Contestants form teams in the management system. Each team must designate a captain. Each team can have no more than 7 members. Its team name cannot exceed 15 characters.
2-2 Teams are allowed to invite new members and to merge with other teams before the deadline for forming teams. But the resultant team must not exceed the limit of 5 members in total.
2-3 A team is not allowed to split, disband or remove members. Please think carefully before building your team.
2-4 In combining teams, the total number of submissions already made by all members must not exceed the limit set for a single team, which is the number of days since the competition starts multiplied by the daily submission limit of a single team. So please calculate the number of historical submissions made by all members carefully. It is possible that toward the later stage of the competition a team that has already made a lot of submissions find itself unable to merge with other teams.
2-5 Each team can submit prediction results anytime during the competition but no more than two times a day. The management system will update latest ranking of teams.
3-1 The competition allows the use of free open source code or tools, but not the use of any code or tools that are not yet published or require authorization.
3-2 Contestants are not allowed to use any external data in this competition.
3-3 The winning contestants hold copyright and intellectual property rights to their models. But the winning team must write a complete report with technology details after the competition.
The detailed rules for the second phase, such as the submission’s format and limitations, will be released on June 15.
KDD Cup 2020
621 participants
Final Submissions