CAAI & Bytedance Inc. $20,000 2618 Team2835 participants
Byte Cup 2018 International Machine Learning Contest
2018-08-17 - Launch
2018-12-06 - Team Merger Deadline
2018-12-06 - Close
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Aug 17th: Training set and validation set (without label) released.
Nov 17th  Nov 30 (23: 59p.m UTC): Test set (without labels) released. Participants can submit their forecasting results.
Nov 22nd Dec 5 (23: 59p.m UTC) Dec 6 (23:59 UTC): Deadline of the competition, release the final leaderboard.
Nov 23rd Dec 5 Dec 6 23:59 UTC time: Top 10 teams will be asked to submit a document under 4 pages explaining how they arrived at the result (ACM publication style double column, in either English or Chinese) within one week.


Note:All times are UTC.





1.The total cash prize is $20,000.

  Gold Medal (1st Place): 10,000 USD.

  Silver Medal (2nd and 3rd Place): 3,000 USD, each team.

  Bronze Medal (4th to 7th Place): 1,000 USD, each team.


2.Other prizes:

(1) top 3 finalists: cash prize + certificate.
(2) weekly champions: formal certificate.
(3) top 10 finalists: certificate + chance of ‘green channel’ for interview.

Byte Cup 2018 International Machine Learning Contest


2835 participants


Final Submissions

